

Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) and Self Managed Super Funds (SMSF)

By | Ethical, Investing, Superannuation, Sustainable

SMSF’s are one of the fastest growing assets classes within the Australian financial landscape and for good reason. SMSF’s offer attractive tax incentives, greater opportunity to diversify assets and can be more cost effective than traditional retail or industry super funds.

When it comes to diversification with an SMSF,  a trustee(s) is not limited by choice. Asset classes, such as shares, property, cash and fixed interest are readily available and easily accessible. However, in an age of social responsibility, does an SMSF trustee have the opportunity to realise investment returns while not compromising their values?

Firstly, what is a socially responsible investment? There is no set definition for such a term; historically one invested for the sole purpose of maximising returns. Socially responsible investing is a strategy that seeks that outcome but also adds the parameter of seeking social good. In recent times, the term, environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG )has been the term used to define that social good.

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Why you don’t need to consult VFS after the 2016/17 Federal Budget

By | 2016 Federal Budget, Economics, Politics, Superannuation

The federal budget overnight was hyped to be the budget to set Australia to a path of greater jobs, better economic control and more money in your pocket. What was delivered was a swathe of mixed messages and policy juxtaposition which in reality will not move the needle in one way or another.

The budget aims for a deficit of $37.1bn in 2016/2017, this compares to a budget deficit of $39.9bn in 2015/2016. In contrast 12 months ago the budget deficit was aimed at $35.1bn and at the mid-year review revised upwards to $37.4bn and then 5 months later expected to come in at the $39.9bn mark. Progress? The numbers would suggest otherwise.

Why not worry today?

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Why Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) has Shaken the World

By | Ethical, Investing, Superannuation

Perhaps you’ve never thought of your financial assets as worthy of bringing about social change or enough to change the world. However, a group of people, coming together to direct their funds to support ethical and socially responsible issues, can be an incredibly powerful catalyst for change.

As anthropologist and author Margaret Mead (1901 – 1978) said: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

This is the essence of Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) and it has changed the way we think about our savings. It has shown how we can do social good as well as receive a financial return.

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